Thursday, July 14, 2011


Hi Ladies! I just thought I would share this tip for those who don't pop over to my blog. I have learnt that when gluing my papers to my fabric, I put my glue stick away slightly from the edge of the papers. I find this helps when stitching them together as the needle glides through VERY easily than when the glue is right at the edge. Also, with your very first strip, I go from edge of fabric to edge of fabric, then fold over.

For the other folds, I put my glue just inside the start as there is no need to go all the way to the edge.......

I hope you find it as easy as I do!


Larissa said...

Thankyou for this! I really hope to get onto mine in the next few weeks - other priorities have shifted to the forefront unfortunately, though my fabric is ready and waiting!

Kari @ The Purple Quiltapotamus said...

Thats so helpful! I've been wondering how people glue their hexies and now it makes sense. How do you take the paper out when you are done though? Or do you just leave them in?

Susie A said...

This is helpful thank you as I usually pin and tack (baste)the hexies to the paper/card, so glueing may be quicker. Like Kari I would be interested to know how you remove the papers if you do.

PBPatch said...

Thanks Sarah, this is helpful. I bought a fabric glue pen months ago but was reluctant to try it. I tried it yesterday and was instantly converted.

I think I'm going to play it safe and only use it for short-term projects though. For long-term projects I think I will continue to baste.

PBPatch said...

P.S. I just tried taking out some of the templates that I glued yesterday and it was very easy. I just peeled back the seam allowance that I folded over and glued, and the templates popped out good as new.

I used card templates though, not paper, because I was worried that the paper ones might rip.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips and great looking forward to starting now I've got my jelly rolls. Leanne

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